How to Safely Work from a Coffee Shop
You’re tired of working from home. Maybe your internet is down. Maybe there are just too many distractions. Whatever the case, you might decide that you’d rather work from the local coffee shop. When working from a coffee shop, you need to consider remote work security. Today, we’re going to take a look at some important remote working security tips.
How to Safely Work from Coffee Shop Wi-Fi
Safely working from a coffee shop is a lot like securing mobile devices. You need to secure your device and your connection while on the go. Follow these safety tips to ensure that you can be both productive and safe and secure.
1. Install a VPN on your laptop.
A VPN will encrypt your signal, so your data is secured. But you need to choose the right VPN and associated technology. A free VPN may not be secure at all and it’s likely to be slow. Ask your company about their VPN recommendations or if they have a corporate VPN account. Ideally, your system should only be accessible via VPN. Otherwise, someone who is on the same connection as you might actually be able to see and read all the data that you’re sending.
2. Make sure the Wi-Fi is properly secured.
When you log into the Wi-Fi, look at how it’s secured. If it’s not secured at all, you shouldn’t use it. Unsecured Wi-Fi service can give others potential access to your machine, which is something that could ultimately compromise not only your device but your business’ network. Even if you’re browsing privately or are on a VPN, an unsecured Wi-Fi network could potentially give someone else access to your machine.
3. Don’t leave your device unattended.
You can have the best security in the world, but if you leave your device unattended it could simply be stolen. Once your device is stolen, they have all the time in the world to try to get into it and try to access your data. Your device should also automatically lock itself whenever you’re not using it. If someone does steal it, all the data will be encrypted and inaccessible, so you won’t need to worry about it.
4. Think about where you’re sitting.
It’s not just that people can crack into your device. A lot of people working from a coffee shop don’t realize people can physically see what you’re working on. This may not a big deal if you’re sending emails, but it could be a big deal if you’re writing down financial and transactional information. Not only should there not be anyone behind you, but you should face a wall, not glass. You don’t want anyone to see privileged information in a window behind you.
5. Keep an antivirus scanner on.
Make sure you have a good antivirus scanner and that it’s updated. If someone tries to eavesdrop on your signal or even try to break into your computer, you want to know. An antivirus scanner will constantly be looking for potential intrusion. It can be very dangerous to work in public because people are often trying to hack into public data exchanges so they can conduct a man-in-the-middle attack.
6. If you can, don’t use public Wi-Fi at all.
It’s better to use your own private hotspot. You may be able to get your company to pay for a hotspot, or you might already have a corporate hotspot available. Using public Wi-Fi is always going to introduce more problems, even if you have a VPN. Using a hotspot might be a little slower, but it means you don’t need to worry about someone else looking at your data. Secure your hotspot properly, though, so the data is still encrypted, and so other people can’t just jump onto your hotspot themselves.
7. Update your system first.
Your system is at its most secure when it, and everything on it, has been properly updated. Take the time to update your system to avoid potential vulnerabilities or intrusions. Good system hygiene will protect your device both at the coffee shop and at home. If you can, you might want to just set your system to automatically update so you don’t need to worry too much about it.
Improving Your Remote Work Cyber Security
Install the right antivirus solutions, always use a VPN, update your software and check in regularly with your IT department for recommendations. Safely working from a coffee shop requires that you be very vigilant about your security, but it can also be a great way to get more done. Ideally, you’ll be able to use collaborative solutions that make it easier to secure your data.
Are you interested in learning more about cyber security? The managed solutions at Red River can help. Contact us today to learn more about what we can do for your business security.