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Innovation Must Be Practical

I use the mantra "Be Bold" with my internal Red River teams. And I mean it. I want them to make big moves, take risks, try new things, fail, and try again. I want to hear the new ideas, however crazy they may sound at first. But in being bold, we must also be practical. Innovation for its own sake has its time and place - a flying car does sound appealing - but right now, we need to solve today's challenges.

September 9, 2020|

Listening. Learning. Growing. Committed to making real change.

Over the course of the pandemic we have discussed how fortunate we are as an organization to continue to have great success, while recognizing that many are struggling based on health, economics, employment, family situations and more. We have strived to balance our messaging in a way that celebrates our success while understanding that many others are just trying to endure and hope for better days in the future.

August 18, 2020|

PODCAST: 4 for 4 with Kevin Steeprow

In our new podcast, we sit down with Red River leaders to discuss technology, life and everything in between -- in just four questions, in four minutes. This episode features Vice President of Design Engineering, Kevin Steeprow. Listen now, or find it in Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts.

August 18, 2020|
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