Why Your Business Should Move to Microsoft Azure Cloud Solutions
If your business isn’t already considering Microsoft’s Azure cloud solutions, it should be. Azure’s cloud solutions are extremely robust, offering a reduced cost of infrastructure, scalable platform, and secure data centers. If your organization uses Microsoft technology – from operating systems to Office 365 – a switch to Microsoft Azure can help.
But what is Azure cloud and why is it so useful? Here’s what you need to know.
Reduce Your Cost of Infrastructure
With Microsoft Azure, you don’t need to maintain climate-controlled rooms or other on-premise solutions. You can vastly reduce the cost of your infrastructure by reducing the amount of office space you need to maintain. In fact, with the decentralized and secured network provided through Microsoft Azure, you can even consider downsizing your brick-and-mortar locations and outsourcing to employees who work from home.
Companies with on-premise solutions are often trapped in a cycle of having to repair, upgrade, and maintain those on-premise solutions. As systems break down, they become more expensive. And companies that don’t invest into upgrading their solutions are going to be handicapped by outdated technology. They will find their employees struggling to use sluggish, unpredictable systems.
Cloud-based infrastructure is more affordable for a variety of reasons. Not only does it reduce the cost of physical infrastructure, but it boosts productivity and thereby improves an organization’s ultimate bottom line.
Create a Scalable Solution
Microsoft’s Azure solution isn’t just scalable; it’s elastic. What does that mean? It can scale up as needed and then scale down swiftly thereafter; you only pay for the resources that you actually need. If you suddenly have increased need for your system, you can deploy additional resources. But you won’t have to pay for those resources forever.
With an on-premise system, if you need additional resources, you will either need to permanently upgrade your system or your system will fail. This isn’t a cost-effective way to deal with scalability, and it means that you may find yourself continuously upgrading your systems if your organization is scaling more aggressively.
It’s always important to transition to new systems with the future in mind. If your organization does plan to grow or scale, it needs a solution that can be grown to suit it.
Improve Your Security
Security is a major cause for concern today, with many companies being vulnerable to data breach and attack. You don’t want to be the target of a cybercriminal: data security breaches can cost a company millions of dollars, and can lead to companies shutting down entirely. Microsoft Azure runs extremely secure data centers, protected both from cybercriminals and natural disasters.
How much money does your company lose for every hour that it’s down? You can avoid this downtime through more reliable, secured server solutions. An organization can’t easily protect itself from things like fire and flood, but Microsoft Azure can. Through redundant data, virtualization, and backup solutions, Microsoft Azure will ensure that your data is never lost, whether you experience a data breach attack or a localized fire.
Use Your System from Anywhere
Microsoft Azure is one of the largest cloud solutions today, and it provides a cloud platform that is accessible from anywhere. Not only can your workers travel or telecommute and still work well, it’s easier for a global enterprise to be all on one page. You’ll be able to leverage the global community to find workers that can work from anywhere, and you can procure the best talent by providing work from home and flex time as a perk.
Companies are now going global. Many businesses have employees that are all over the world. Even companies that have in-office employees frequently find their employees working with each other from city to city or country to country. If you need your employees to be able to work more effectively with each other across geographic locations, Microsoft Azure can help.
Leverage the Power of Azure Managed Cloud Services
At this point, you may be interested in Azure, but you may also be worried about what a transition would mean for you. Transitioning your IT infrastructure is never an easy process, and it does require planning and preparation. An Azure managed services provider can help.
An Azure Managed Services provider can easily monitor and manage your entire IT ecosystem, remotely. This enables you to leverage a more affordable, more robust outsourced IT solution.
Everyone has heard of an IT transition that just didn’t work. It was too expensive, too complicated, or too disruptive. But an Azure expert is able to improve upon the IT transition process, by planning it out ahead of time, and adjusting for any major issues that could occur.
Are you ready to leverage the power of Azure? Companies all over the globe are finding that Microsoft Azure is an extraordinary, scalable, stable solution, and it’s something that companies need to move forward. For more information about Azure managed services, contact Red River today.