How the Managed Services Model Drives Customer Success
Your team is full of intelligent, creative thinkers; their energy is wasted on completing maintenance and putting out fires. A 2013 IT study found that 72% of IT budgets are spent just keeping the lights on. That’s money, time, and energy that could be spent on new projects.
A managed services model frees your team’s brainpower up to innovate and expand. An IT team doesn’t have to be a revenue loss – it can be a revenue-generating opportunity.
Managed Services Improve Security and Productivity
Outdated hardware and software present a serious security risk. As new exploits are found for older systems, these systems must be patched in order to remain secure. Internal IT teams frequently find themselves falling behind on update schedules, as they’re already inundated with other day-to-day tasks. MSPs, on the other hand, can ensure that an organization’s infrastructure is kept up-to-date and well-maintained.
By taking on these daily tasks, an MSP frees up the organization’s internal IT team to focus on more important things. By ensuring that the company’s infrastructure is working as it should be, the MSP can also improve the productivity of the business.
Managed IT Support Services Offer 24/7 Monitoring
A security breach can happen at any time. Most organizations simply don’t have the resources available to monitor their services 24/7. If a security breach happens outside of business hours, it could be hours until it is caught, and the longer a security breach goes undetected, the more damage it’s likely to do.
Every business will become targeted by cybercriminals at some point or another. Companies should proactively prepare for these issues if they are going to protect themselves – and their customers. Not only does an MSP provide monitoring services, but they are also skilled and experienced enough to mitigate threats quickly once they have been detected.
Managed Service Providers Have Access to Additional Resources
A dedicated managed services team may have relationships with computer suppliers that an SMB doesn’t, in addition to having resources in the form of advanced technology and software systems. Under a managed services model, an organization can connect to the entirety of the MSP’s knowledge, working with specialists who have decades of experience. An organization is further able to connect with vendors that the MSP has formed strong relationships with over time.
It’s not always possible for an organization to invest in as diverse an IT team as they need. Not only is it difficult to procure this level of talent in a very competitive market, but it’s hard to keep these team members satisfied, especially if they are still performing day-to-day management and maintenance.
With an MSP, a business gains access to specialized IT professionals without having to keep them on staff. Instead, they’re available on a strictly on-demand basis. Talented, internal IT professionals can be kept satisfied with meaningful projects and initiatives, while the MSP keeps the lights on.
A Managed Services Provider Can Coordinate Your Organization’s Growth
An MSP can create road maps for your organization’s upgrade pathways, expansion, and future development. Having a comprehensive plan both reduces risk for your company and ensures that the organization doesn’t remain static.
CWPS has a Customer Success Coordinator assigned to your team from the very first day. Your Customer Success Coordinator provides daily reporting, quarterly reviews, personalized training, and additional support. You and your team can focus on strategy and growth, rather than worrying about keeping the lights on. All of this can be coordinated to move your organization incrementally towards further expansion and development.
Key Takeaways
Too often, an organization is so burdened by its day-to-day maintenance tasks that it can’t find the time or energy to improve upon its existing operations. There are many issues that may be overlooked or go unaddressed because there isn’t enough time or energy available. An MSP frees up an organization to finally concentrate on these development tasks, in addition to leveraging the advanced knowledge of the MSP to create a risk-managed approach to change.
These are only a few of the many ways in which an MSP model can drive customer success. Through a managed service model, companies can off-load many of their more mundane tasks, while also acquiring the experience and knowledge that they need to improve upon their operations and grow. MSPs improve upon the day-to-day operations of a business, while also bringing in additional resources that the organization wouldn’t otherwise be able to access.
See how a managed services model can help your organization find success, too. Contact Red River.