7 Problems a Managed Cyber Security Provider Can Fix
You know that a managed cyber security provider will help improve your security. That’s obvious. But it’s easy to put it aside. Maybe you already think you’re managing your own cybersecurity services just fine. Or maybe you’re just not sure how disruptive switching to managed cyber security might be.
But you might have more problems cropping up than you think — and you might not have realized that a cyber security provider is the answer. Here are 7 problems that you could face that an MSP can solve for you.
Problem 1: You Know You Need to Upgrade Your Security, But You Don’t Have the Time
How many security initiatives do you have on the backburner? If your IT department is falling behind on security upgrades, it could be dangerous. Managed security services will ensure that you are able to upgrade security regularly — and won’t fall behind again. And your IT team will be able to focus on other projects.
One of the first signs that you need to get a managed security provider is that you’re just unable to complete the initiatives you need. You can talk to a security provider about what it would take to get you up to speed.
Problem 2: You’ve Onboarded New Employees, and They Don’t Know Current Security Protocols
This may seem familiar to you. You started out with employees who were well-trained on security standards. But then you brought in a new wave. And another new wave. Suddenly, you look around and realize that your culture of security has failed; many of your employees no longer know basic security and password hygiene because they haven’t been properly briefed.
An MSP can properly onboard new employees and devote staff to training them.
Problem 3: You’ve Exited Old Employees, and They Still Have Permissions
Are you doing your clean-up properly? When employees are exited, you need to make sure their permissions are removed. Having old employees who still have accounts and permissions is not just a problem. It’s a tell-tale sign that your security is no longer under your control. It means that your IT department is overwhelmed and can’t complete its regular processes.
Problem 4: You’ve Integrated Multiple Solutions — But Are They Secure?
As your organization grows, you introduce multiple solutions. And you often integrate them. But once solutions are well-integrated, they can also become liabilities. If one of the solutions isn’t secured, it means that the other solutions aren’t secured. It’s a “weakest link” scenario that can bring down even the best of networks. A managed services provider will be able to help you ensure that your integrated solutions are all secured — and protect you from disaster.
Problem 5: Your Employees Are All Working from Home — How Do You Ensure Security?
Employees are working from home with increasing frequency. But that also means they’re working with their at-home security systems, tablets and devices, and that they may not all be secure. How do you make sure that they are?
Managed security services can install mobile device management systems that will protect employee devices — as well as monitor them for potential intrusion. With the right technology and processes, you can ensure that employees working from home are just as secure as employees in-office. And that opens up the door for hiring even more employees all across the world.
Problem 6: You’re Concerned About Ransomware. But What Can You Do?
Ransomware is absolutely a major concern today. With ransomware, an entire system can be taken down and not unlocked until the ransom is paid (if ever). But the best protection against ransomware is to have complete and reliable backups. If your backups aren’t up to date, though, you could lose everything or may be forced to pay the ransom.
Managed security services will help you proactively protect yourself against some of the most common security risks. They can ensure that you have up-to-date backups, and they can ensure that those backups are well-encrypted.
Problem 7: Your Industry Regulations Have Changed. Are You Current?
In many industries, regulations frequently change. Whether you’re in financial companies, healthcare industries — even real estate and education — the regulations regarding privacy and regulatory standards can change dramatically. Managed services providers can look into the regulations around your industry to determine whether you’re still compliant. If you aren’t compliant, they can create a step-by-step journey toward compliance for you to follow.
Naturally, managed security services can’t fix every security problem you have. But at minimum, they can audit your systems and determine what changes you need to make. With cyber security managed services, you can at least be assured that you’re doing what you can to proactively protect your system.
Want to take the next step? Contact us today to find out more about what cyber security managed services can for you.