How an MSP can Help You Achieve CMMC Level 3 Requirements
There are 130 controls within the CMMC level 3 requirements — the highest level of CMMC certification available. Understandably, that’s a lot to take in. If you are trying to achieve CMMC level 3, you need to meet all the requirements of level 1 and level 2. Your CMMC requirements will be a mix of technology, processes and training.
Most organizations already have their hands full putting out fires — they don’t have the time to engage with a complex new security strategy. So, rather than working through a CMMC level 3 assessment guide, you might want to consider the benefits of hiring an MSP.
Let’s take a deeper look at the CMMC level 3 requirements and why it may be better to use an MSP. The need for cybersecurity maturity model certification is just around the corner.
How Much is CMMC Level 3 Going to Cost?
For most organizations, this is the primary question: What is CMMC Level 3 going to cost you? Time, money — disruption?
To achieve CMMC level 3 requirements, you must audit your system from the top down. You need access control, asset management, security assessments, identity and authentication services; everything a company needs to secure its data and assets.
And that’s not a short order. Most companies are going to need some help by way of outside consultancy. But the reality is that an MSP can help you with everything, from start to finish. An MSP will provide you with a CMMC level 3 assessment guide, go over individual CMMC level 3 requirements and help you with your CMMC level 3 audit.
Note that CMMC requirement compliance isn’t just necessary to deal with classified information; it’s necessary to deal with controlled unclassified information. Your organizational systems will need to pass CMMC assessment at level 1 to interact with any federal contract information at all.
Access Control and Authentication
Access control, authentication services, role-based services, identity services — you have to be in complete control of who can access your information. Today, multi-factor authentication or even passwordless authentication services reign supreme. But access control and authentication are about more than the software you use; it’s also about training and processes.
Are you operating with least-privilege? Are you operating with zero-trust?
Your MSP will help you create a complete access control and authentication system for you — so you don’t need to worry about implementing the right security measures, protocols and software solutions. If you don’t want to build out software and processes to implement a zero-trust passwordless security system, you don’t have to.
Asset Management and Physical Protection
Physical security is critical for any organization — but it takes on a new urgency when contractors work with classified data. The CMMC level 3 requirements stipulate that you must have an asset management program in place and that all physical devices must be accounted for at all times.
This includes not just laptops and workstations but also storage media, mobile devices and anything else that could potentially store or transmit data. You need complete visibility into your assets and who has access to them.
Your MSP can help you create an asset management program and physically secure your devices. They can also help you with BYOD policies and ensure that only authorized devices access your network, tying into zero-trust.
Audits and Accountability
How can you prove that you remain compliant after achieving compliance? Security can slip after your security assessment. Regular audits and complete accounting of your data security posture are always necessary. That doesn’t just mean processes for audits and accountability, but also software that supports in-depth auditing and tracking.
Your MSP can help you with this by providing regular reports and assessments of your system. They can also help you build software solutions that make auditing and accountability easier by creating audit trails throughout your network.
Incident and Disaster Response
You need a comprehensive system security plan.
No matter how good your security posture is, accidents happen. When they do, you need to have a plan to respond quickly and effectively. Many organizations falter when creating disaster response plans because they cannot react quickly to change and churn. What happens when your departments have churned since your last incident, and no one knows who is ultimately responsible for escalating an issue?
Your MSP can help you create a resilient incident response plan, even in these tumultuous times. Your incident and disaster response plan aren’t just necessary for CMMC level 3 requirements but also to reduce your organization’s disruption.
Maintenance and Proactive Security
Your MSP will also help you with maintenance and proactive security. Just because you have achieved compliance doesn’t mean your job is done. You still need to ensure that your devices, software and processes are up to date, regardless of whether you’re pursuing a DoD contract.
One key differentiator between Level 3 CMMC requirements is that you need to be proactive about your systems. You have to prepare for the future. What happens when quantum computing starts to break encryption? Are you safe and compliant?
Risk Management Services
Risk management is a continuous and iterative process. You must always be assessing your risks, vulnerabilities and potential threats — and taking steps to mitigate them. Not only is this good for protected data, but it’s good for your company. The reality is that while government or DoD information may be at risk, your organization is at risk, too. There are phishing attacks, malware and more.
Your MSP can help you with this by providing regular risk assessments, helping you identify potential threats and providing recommendations for mitigation. You don’t want to react to a threat when it happens.
Should You Use an MSP to Achieve CMMC Level 3 Requirements?
Perhaps you already have all your ducks in a row. You already have all the requirements met. You have a blisteringly brilliant internal team who understands CMMC level 3 requirements. You’ve been working on your processes and security standards for years. Your team is trained.
If all these things are true, you’ll blow past those CMMC level 3 requirements. But if they aren’t, then you are going to need help. The CMMC process is complex. An expert CMMC assessor will audit your company for the requirements… and the CMMC level 3 assessment guide has changed within the last year. So, even if you were an expert in CMMC level 3 standards, you might not be one now.
Get help. An MSP can help you achieve CMMC level 3 requirements without burdening or disrupting your internal team. Contact us today to learn more about how managed services can help you become CMMC compliant – or download our eBook about CMMC compliance.
What is CMMC Level 3 certification?
CMMC Level 3 certification is now the highest level of certification. When CMMC 2.0 was released, it had five certification levels. CMMC has been streamlined to three certification levels instead.
How many controls are there for CMMC Level 3?
There are 130 controls for CMMC Level 3, but don’t panic; much of this maturity model relies on things your organization should already be doing. By engaging with an MSP and shoring up your security measures, you should achieve full CMMC 3 compliance.
What level of CMMC is required?
Level 1 CMMC is technically the only required level, but this is to become a DoD contractor. You will need the level of CMMC compliance that allows you to deal with the data you want to deal with. Level 1 only lets you interact with data that is not privileged or functionally important.