Red River’s End-to-End Software
Defined Networking Solution
An organization’s Wide Area Network (WAN) has traditionally been painful to manage due to the frequent circuit problems and remote hardware locations. Software Defined WAN (SD-WAN) can address these issues by intelligently identifying applications and routing traffic across multiple links based on SLAs. But adopting any technology requires education, resources and time which may be difficult for an already overburdened IT staff which is too busy firefighting to work on strategic initiatives for your organization.
Managed SD-WAN is Red River’s end-to-end solution designed to relieve this burden as a reliable, cost-effective way of integrating
SD-WAN technology into an organization’s network infrastructure.
Our solution goes beyond installation: we work with Internal IT to completely integrate and manage the solution. With Managed
SD-WAN, the customer owns all the networking equipment while we help to maintain it.
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