Red River Secure-EDU Posture Assessment Services Helps Prioritize Risk and Maximize Budgets

A key component of Secure-EDU offerings is our Posture Assessment Service (PAS),which is specifically designed to help our school districts prioritize security risks,gain additional insight into potential threats and keep pace with the evolving security threat landscape, both internal and external to the organization.

Red River’s Posture Assessment Services are designed around areas of specific focus beyond the typical vulnerability scan and network penetration assessment services. PAS security systems are designed to simplify the security process and work within your budget need.


Download the Secure-Edu Posture Assessment Overview

The time is now to review your K-12 & Higher Ed organization’s security framework and practices. Our security insights can help to effectively manage risk. For more information, please contact Red River at

Red River Secure-EDU Cyber Security Control Framework CIS Complete 20 Self-Assessment Tool

Organizations around the world rely on the CIS Controls security best practices to improve their cyber defenses. Red River is positioning the CIS 20 security community to assist K12 and Higher ED security leaders use CIS Controls to quickly establish the protections providing the highest payoff in their organizations. They guide you through a series of 20 foundational and advanced cybersecurity actions, where the most common attacks can be eliminated.

Posture Assessment Services include:

K-12 Security Framework Assessment and Review
(Choose from Cyber, Infosec or Network Controls)

Initial Dark Web Report & Spear Phishing Exposure Testing

K-12 District Network Architecture Review

Security Operations Review

Final Report and Recommendations Presentation

For more information, please contact Red River at


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