7 Reasons to Use AWS Cloud Migration Acceleration Program (MAP)
Many organizations find themselves caught between a rock and a hard place. They know they need to accelerate their digital transformation, but where does the time come from?
To be competitive within any space, you need the right technology. The AWS Cloud provides everything that a modern organization needs and more. Still, it requires expertise, especially during the initial deployment and architecture.
The AWS Cloud Migration Acceleration Program pairs you with an AWS expert partner and AWS migration tools. You can get your migration handled for you — so you can start enjoying the benefits.
7 Reasons to Use the AWS Migration Acceleration Program
Let’s look at how AWS MAP helps deal with some common challenges when migrating to AWS, from initial migration tools to building a comprehensive AWS cloud map.
1. The program provides a comprehensive set of tools and resources to help customers migrate their workloads to AWS.
The AWS Migration Acceleration Program provides a comprehensive set of tools and resources to help customers migrate their workloads to AWS. Built by Amazon, these tools essentially put the workload migration process on rails — organizations can follow the built-in processes and tools to perform their migration step-by-step, with end-to-end support from an Amazon migration partner.
2. The program helps customers assess their workloads for migration to AWS rather than simply migrating every workload over.
A critical mistake many organizations make is simply moving their existing infrastructure to the cloud. Organizations move to the cloud to leverage the power of the cloud; if you don’t redesign your infrastructure to take advantage of the new architecture, you won’t benefit to the fullest extent.
The AWS Cloud Migration Acceleration Program helps customers assess their workloads for migration to AWS. An Amazon Partner will help you analyze your workload and recommend how to refactor or redesign it to take advantage of the cloud before you transition your workload.
Additionally, they will help you optimize your workloads after the transition.
3. The program helps customers optimize their workloads for AWS once they have transitioned to AWS.
Furthermore, the AWS Migration Acceleration Program helps customers optimize their workloads for AWS once the workloads have been transitioned to AWS. There may be gaps or overlaps in your existing systems or solutions that would be better for you. Once your workloads are transitioned, the partner will analyze your performance and identify areas of improvement.
4. The program helps customers automate their workload migration process for a faster, more reliable migration.
Automating the process can help ensure that all migration steps are completed accurately and consistently — minimizing the risk of human error. When you automate your AWS migration using AWS built-in tools, your organization greatly reduces the chances of system disruption — or even security issues.
5. The program provides support for customers during their migration to AWS.
Customers have access to an Amazon Partner who will help them plan and execute their migration and provide guidance and support throughout the process. If your system suddenly goes down, who will you call? An Amazon Partner can help you figure out what went wrong.
Ideally, every migration will go perfectly every time. But we know that any migration can go wrong, even if everything is in order. Migrations are still necessary for true digital transformation. Having expert help will help you reduce your potential disruption.
6. The program helps customers troubleshoot their workloads on AWS.
If something goes wrong after the migration, the AWS Cloud Migration Acceleration Program can help customers troubleshoot their workloads on AWS. The partner will help you understand what might have gone wrong and suggest solutions to get your systems back up and running quickly.
You can continue to work with your migration partner even after the migration. Many companies find it best to engage with a managed services partner for the management and maintenance of their system. If an MSP constructs its AWS system, no one else will know the system better or provide better support.
AWS workloads can be expensive. If you have issues with your workloads, it could lead to widespread disruption. If you don’t fine tune and optimize them, they can leak revenue. Your MSP can be a permanent partner, ensuring you always get the most out of your AWS solution.
7. Ultimately, the program helps customers save time and money on their migration to AWS.
The AWS Cloud Migration Acceleration Program is designed to help customers save time and money on their migration to AWS. The program provides access to an Amazon Partner who will help you assess your workloads, automate your migration process, provide support during your migration, troubleshoot your workloads on AWS and optimize your workloads for AWS.
If you handled this internally, it would likely lead to either having to hire a professional or an outside consultant. You would need to pay overtime for the transition. If a disruption occurred, it’s possible that your team would not have the specialized knowledge or expertise to fix it. And a disruption might take longer to resolve than it otherwise would.
By using the AWS program, you reduce the potential for disruption. You also avoid going down for a significant amount of time to finish your migration, as the AWS migration tools are specifically intended to hasten and improve the migration process.
What If You Don’t Want to Use AWS MAP?
You can always work with an MSP instead. You don’t need to engage with the AWS MAP program to get the services of an AWS expert partner, the migration program simply includes the tools and services needed to control the migration process.
Your AWS expert partner will curate the process for you. Every system is different. If you have a unique system or niche needs (such as a tech stack of proprietary self-built enterprise systems), it’s possible that your organization will need direct, one-on-one communications and planning.
It’s time to transition to AWS. Learn more about the AWS Cloud Acceleration Program, its benefits and the benefits of working with an MSP — start a conversation today.